
Group Health Coaching is Back

Posted by on Jul 23, 2024 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Group Health Coaching is Back

I once had a dream of being a Health Coach. In a nutshell, I wanted to help people build their resilience. Being resilient requires a skill set that you can work on and grow over time. Building resilience takes time, strength, and help from people around you; you’ll likely experience setbacks along the way. It depends on personal behaviors and skills (like self-esteem and communication skills), as well as external things (like social support and resources available to you). In 2009 I became a Certified Traditional Naturopath where I learned...

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Tuesday Afternoon July 2024

Posted by on Jul 9, 2024 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Tuesday Afternoon July 2024

Beautiful practice today Qi Friends. Thank you all for being there today spending an hour igniting the healer within and revitalizing your life force.  I hope your inner power is growing as your physical strength is manifesting. May peace be with you always.  

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Grafton Tai Chi Class June 2024

Posted by on Jun 11, 2024 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Grafton Tai Chi Class June 2024

Hi All! It was a fun class today in Grafton 06/11/2024! Thank you all for attending. I am pleased to share today’s practices with you all below. You can Google the name of the forms for better clarity. You will find there are multiple ways of doing these practices. Choose what ever feels good to your body. Also note, that you can do these practices anytime. When you move, breath, tap and hum, you ignite the healer within. Practicing at home is as easy as paying attention to your breath. Sit up comfortably tall. Root your feet into the...

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Happy New Year 2024!

Posted by on Jan 5, 2024 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year Chi Friends! You know how much we love inspirational quotes? Here are my top 5 Qigong related quotes to take you through the new year. Don’t forget to breathe:)   Don’t Dwell in The Past “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha   NOW — The Most Precious Thing “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are...

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Eat Your Way to a Healthy Immune System

Posted by on Oct 17, 2023 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Eat Your Way to a Healthy Immune System

Nutrition Resources to Naturally Boost Your Immune System Use these helpful nutrition resources by Dr. Sear’s to naturally boost your immunity by choosing healthy, whole foods. TOP IMMUNE-BOOSTING FOODS Asparagus Beets Berries Broccoli Curcumin Garlic Ginger Green tea Mushrooms Nuts Olive oil Onions Pomegranate* Rosemary Turmeric partnered with black pepper Wild pacific salmon: omega-s   *Pomegranates are in season during flu season – smart! Dr. BILL’S IMMUNE-BOOSTING SMOOTHIE PRESCRIPTION Select choices from each of the five food...

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Tai Chi and Qigong Increases Brain Function

Posted by on Oct 13, 2023 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Tai Chi and Qigong Increases Brain Function

In observance of the Fall season classes will focus on the Baduanjin Qigong  with a little rattle or singing bowl thrown in. As we celebrate the change of seasons with our practices, it is good to know that these practices not only boost our immune system but increase our brain health. Now that’s good to know! Please join me in practicing Medical Qigong Autumn 2023. Find my Qigong classes here.      Medical Qigong increase grey matter volume in older adults: a brain imaging study   Based on the recent science conference...

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October Qigong : Eight Brocades or Baduanjin Qigong

Posted by on Oct 5, 2023 in Health Blog | 2 comments

October Qigong : Eight Brocades or Baduanjin Qigong

Good afternoon Qi Friends! I am grateful that you were all able to stop by today. Today I focused on the Eight Brocades Qigong. It’s a nice practice to help boost your energy, mood and immune system. To prepare for the upcoming cold season it is imperative that we keep our Three Treasures strong. These are energy centers within the body that when fueled bring health and vitality to the mind, body and spirit. The Three Treasures are Jing(considered the root of our vitality), Qi (Life force) and Shen (Spirit or essence). The following...

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September Qi Class Notes

Posted by on Sep 21, 2023 in Health Blog | 4 comments

September Qi Class Notes

Hi Qi Friends! It was good to practice today with you all in the Westlake Community Services Center. Thank you for joining me and being a part of this Qigong/Tai Chi group. Some of you wanted notes on what we do in class so you can practice at home. By practicing these mind, body, spirit practices you are igniting the healer within. The founder of Tai Chi Easy and the Healer Within Dr. Roger Jahnke believes that self care is health care, I agree. Dis-ease is caused by stagnation. During practice we expand and flow in all directions,...

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Reveal Yourself as Your True Self

Posted by on Sep 3, 2023 in Health Blog | 0 comments

Reveal Yourself as Your True Self

  This Story/Poem might hit Home for those of you who have said 100% ‘Yes’ to the path of Love, Truth, and Freedom, which is an automatic ‘No’ to the path of comfort and security.   It’s a ‘Yes’ to experience yourself AS Freedom. ‘Yes’ to Feel the embodied experience of your Wholeness. ‘Yes’ to Remembering WHAT you really are, beyond personality and identity… It is most certainly a path of stripping away all that you are not, to reveal YourSelf AS your True Essential Nature… incredibly uncomfortable at times the dismantling of...

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The Greatest Healer is Within Us

Posted by on Jul 25, 2023 in Health Blog | 0 comments

The Greatest Healer is Within Us

Qigong Practices in Daily Life Here are several easy guidelines to make these new aspects of your life most effective while keeping your interest and not taking up too much of your time: Do some of these practices every day. Put them at the core of your life. Consider them as central in your day as you do rest, bathing and oral health care. Keep it simple and fun. Start with less and allow more to come as it is appropriate. If this practice becomes a stressful issue in your life, it is more of a problem than it is a solution. Make up your own...

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