
I enjoyed my career as a dental hygienist and was proud of my scholastic achievements given my background. Everything changed when chronic pain from poor ergonomics caught up to me. Medical doctors prescribed medications that covered up pain but wiped away my personality and made me lethargic and dull. I went from clinician to researcher to educator within a couple of years. Desperately searching for a way to make a living that didn’t cause my body pain.

So my journey began. I became certified as a Master Herbalist in 2007 and in 2009 a Traditional Naturopath. A continued interest in the healing arts led me to become a Reiki Master and Ordained Minister. In 2018 I became acquainted with Dr. Sears Health and Wellness Coaching program and fell in love!  I found the program to be first class and soon became a certified health coach with Dr. Sears.

When the pandemic hit my in-person coaching business was shelved. I was called to do something during that downtime and so became certified as a 200 hour Yoga Teacher and Healing Medical Qigong Teacher. These ancient practices, along with the easy to follow solutions from my health coaching education have built my resilience and fortitude.  I enjoy sharing these practices with other individuals. Stressed or not, everyone can receive value from a healthy mind and body.

Coach Annamarie






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