Time for a Cleanse

Feeling Sluggish?


Maybe your body could use a cleanse.

At least once a year we like to cleanse our bodies from all of the excesses of the recent months. We use a 2-week cleanse combining several additional resources and have found this to be gentle and effective. If you decide to follow along, come aboard the cleansing train into 2023!

The Easy Cleanse

This is a two week gentle cleanse (can be done in 1 week). Nourish and support your body’s organs with citrus, lean protein, vegetables and water.

Re-invigorate, re-charge. Fill your precious energy stores.


We begin with Ann Louise Gittleman’s book Fat Flush Plan. 

The New Fat Flush Plan - Ann Louise Gittleman, Ph.D., C.N.S.

Abstain from caffeine and alcohol. Eat a variety of food. Here is an overnight list:

  • Salmon
  • Spinach
  • Berries
  • Flax seed oil
  • Walnuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Soups
  • Smoothies
  • Hot water with lemon

You can assist your cleanse with CleanStart by Natures Sunshine.

Be kind to yourself. Give yourself a hug. Don’t forget to breathe.


Day 1

No coffee this morning and it’s 1:26 pm. Typically would have had 2 cups by now. Drinking cranberry juice.

Researchers who studied a small group of healthy Danish women (nine in total) observed a marked increase in the subjects’ plasma antioxidant activity about one to two hours after they drank 500 mL (about 16 ounces) of cranberry juice.

Unsweetened Natural Cranberry Juice Recipe

  • Add 4 cups of water into a pot over medium high heat
  • Add fresh cranberries to water in pot to cover (they will float, take a fork and submerge them periodically as they come to boil and pop)
  • Once cranberries have popped take off burner and cool
  • Run through a colander, collecting the cranberry water in a pitcher or bowl.
  • Add water to fill up remainder of pitcher or bowl.

Drink this watered down unsweetened all natural beverage, hot or cold.

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